1:1 Breathwork (online)

Post Journey Integration Conversation

My post-breathwork integration conversations are designed to provide you with dedicated time to reflect, gain insights, and discuss your unique experience.


These 30 minute 1:1 calls offer a sacred space for you to explore, understand, and integrate the profound effects of your breathwork experience.


Book an Integration Conversation

1:1 Follow Up Integration Breathwork Journey

This offering is designed to support breathers who have recently completed a full-length 9D somatic journey and need assistance in processing and integrating any challenging after-effects. This journey provides guidance and resources to navigate the post-journey terrain, helping you make sense of your experiences and facilitating a smooth integration process.


The Follow Up Integration Breathwork Journey lasts 60 minutes with 45 minutes of active breathwork. 


Book a Follow Up Integration Breathwork Journey

1:1 Coaching

This personalized coaching  offers tailored guidance to address your specific needs. You will receive individualized attention, focusing directly on your unique situation and behaviors to facilitate immediate progress.

Engaging in 1:1 sessions proves to be the most effective method for inducing positive change and promoting healing.

I schedule weekly zoom meetings with clients to establish consistency, a sense of safety, and mutual accountability.

You will have access to me 24/7 via WhatsApp. 

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